Error in default Apache2 installation (OSX Snow Leopard)

Default Apache2 installation in Snow Leopard shows this error when you try to start:

/usr/sbin/apachectl: line 82: ulimit: open files: cannot modify limit: Invalid argument

This error is caused by:

ULIMIT_MAX_FILES="ulimit -S -n `ulimit -H -n`"

In /usr/sbin/apachectl file.

You can fix it changing the line to this one:

ULIMIT_MAX_FILES="ulimit -S -n" 


Still not ready for HTML5?

Here is a new round of HTML5 support test. All browsers (and OS) updated except for Safari:

  1. Chromium [110.696]: 278 + 13 / 400
  2. Opera [11.10]: 258 + 7 / 400
  3. Safari [5.0.2]: 228 +7 / 400
  4. Firefox [4.0.1]: 240 +9 / 400

Total points has been raised to 400 instead of 300.
Tests with Ubuntu 11.04 and Snow Leopard.
I know Safari has a better support of HTML5 in newer versions, Can anyone send a test? Thanks in advance.

How to change GDM theme without extra tools

 An easy way to change GDM's theme is putting gnome-appearance-properties.desktop as an autostart app:

sudo cp /usr/share/applications/gnome-appearance-properties.desktop /usr/share/gdm/autostart/LoginWindow/

After this move to System > Close session > Change user.

Select a new theme. Log in again and remove gnome-appearance-properties from autostart apps:

sudo rm /usr/share/gdm/autostart/LoginWindow/gnome-appearance-properties.desktop

Good luck.

Adding RSS/microblogging to a webpage

This is a snippet from a future version of Hispavox/Vikuit.

Step one: Import jquery.min.js (tested on 1.5.0) and microblogging.js (reduced version, to check a full version visit vikuit):


    var maxItems=0;

    var labelComment = 'Comments';

    var labelBy = 'By';

    var labelRead = 'Read more';

    var current = "";

    var standard = true;

    $.fn.microblogging = function(j){

        var k=$.extend({








            labelRead:'Read more'},j);


            return false;

        var l=$.extend(k,j);

        var n="xml";

        var divid=guid();

        this.append('<div id="'+divid+'newsfeed"><div class="atomloader" style="position:absolute;text-align:center;z-index:99;"><img src="'+l.loadingImg+'"/></div></div>');

        $('#'+divid+'newsfeed .atomloader').width(this.width());

        $('#'+divid+'newsfeed .atomloader').height(this.height());

        $('#'+divid+'newsfeed .atomloader img').height(this.height()/4);

        var toplocal=(this.height()/2)-($('#'+divid+'newsfeed .atomloader img').height()/2)

        $('#'+divid+'newsfeed .atomloader img').css('margin-top',toplocal+'px');

        var path=l.targeturl;


        standard = l.standard;

        labelComment = l.labelComment;

        labelBy = l.labelBy;

        labelRead = l.labelRead;

        current = l.current;



            $('#'+divid+'newsfeed .atomloader').remove();



        function S4(){




        function guid(){



        function requestRSS(site,callback){


                alert('No site was passed.');

                return false;


                new Ajax.Request(site, {

                method: 'get',

                parameters: "",

                onSuccess: cbFunc,

                onFailure: function() {

                    alert(' There was an error :(');



            function cbFunc(data){


                            parser=new DOMParser();


                        } else {

                            xmlDoc=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM");




                var items =xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("item");


                    var datalength=items.length;




                    var i;

                    var feedHTML="";

                    for(i=0;i<datalength;i++) {

                        var author = items[i].getElementsByTagName("author")[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue;

                        feedHTML=feedHTML+"<div class='entry'>"

                        feedHTML+="<div class='title'>"+items[i].getElementsByTagName("title")[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue+"</div>";

                        try {

                            feedHTML+="<div>"+labelBy+": <span class='author'>"+author +"</span>"

                            feedHTML += "</div>";

                        } catch(e) {}

                        try {

                            var pub = new Date(items[i].getElementsByTagName("pubDate")[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue);

                            feedHTML+="<div class='date'>"+ pub.toLocaleDateString()+" "+pub.toLocaleTimeString()+"</div>"

                        } catch(e) {}



                    if(typeof callback==='function'){



                } else throw new Error('Nothing returned from getJSON.');




Step two: Add a div to your page:

     <div id="littleRss"></div>

Step three: Create an instance of microblogging:


             function loadLittleRss() {

                document.getElementById('littleRss').innerHTML = "";


                                targeturl: "/feed/mblog",



                                labelComments: "Comments",

                                labelBy: "Written by"





And a possible result is here (depends on your CSS):

Vikuit is a Social app developed with Python, Django, Jinja2 and AppEngine.
And Hispavox is...umm wait, visit and you'll see.