Jasypt: Encryption on Java

Jasypt is a java library which allows the developer to add basic encryption capabilities to his/her projects with minimum effort, and without the need of having deep knowledge on how cryptography works.

  • High-security, standards-based encryption techniques, both for unidirectional and bidirectional encryption. Encrypt passwords, texts, numbers, binaries...
  • Transparent integration with Hibernate.
  • Suitable for integration into Spring-based applications and also transparently integrable with Spring Security.
  • Integrated capabilities for encrypting the configuration of applications (i.e. datasources).
  • Specific features for high-performance encryption in multi-processor/multi-core systems.
  • Open API for use with any JCE provider.

Copied from: http://www.jasypt.org
Adrià, I hope this help you in near future. And is Licensed under Apache Software License.

Changing Admin user in Alfresco 3.2 +...

...when you have no other administrator.

This is one of the ways to change Alfresco administrator, but there are another using groups.

Locate tomcat/shared/classes/alfresco/alfresco-global.properties

Add this property:


And replace admin identifier by other user identifier.

Reboot Alfresco and login with new "admin" user.

How to transform all docs to PDF/A-1 format in Alfresco

Look for alfresco\WEB-INF\classes\alfresco\mimetype\openoffice-document-formats.xml file.

<name>Portable Document Format</name>

With this change, all transformation to PDF will be exported to format PDF/A-1.

Thanks to: http://forums.alfresco.com/en/viewtopic.php?t=6336
OpenOffice Parameters: http://wiki.services.openoffice.org/wiki/API/Tutorials/PDF_export

How to move window buttons to right side in Gnome

Open Configuration Editor (Alt+F2 and type in gconf-editor) and navigate to apps>metacity>general.
Look for button_layout on the right hand pane and edit it.


Now buttons must be on right side

How to add twitter to a web page

First of all, we don't need a Twitter account to use widget in a page.

1.- Go to www.twitter.com
2.- At the bottom of the page press extras
3.- Select widgets
4.- Select My web
5.- Select 'Profile Widget'
6.- Introduce a profile and check configuration
7.- Copy and paste the code in your page:

PD: This post is a gift for my friend Juan Carlos ( a twitter addict ).

OpenSolaris, Postgresql, OpenOffice... what's next OpenJDK? (updated: Oracle + IBM)

"Is it time to consider replacing Java? Java pundit and former Editor-in-Chief of TheServerSide.com, Joseph Ottinger, steps into the fray by proposing some options, alternatives, and more to the point, a reality check."


Oracle and IBM Collaborate to Accelerate Java Innovation Through OpenJDK


How to enable full repository access on Alfresco Share

In a tomcat installation, edit tomcat/shared/classes/alfresco/web-extension/share-config-custom.xml file.

Look for RepositoryLibrary condition:

<config evaluator="string-compare" condition="RepositoryLibrary" replace="true">
Whether the link to the Repository Library appears in the header component or not.

Root nodeRef for top-level folder.

Whether the folder Tree component should enumerate child folders or not.
This is a relatively expensive operation, so should be set to "false" for Repositories with broad folder structures.

And modify visibility to true:


This works on Alfresco Enterprise 3.2R and above.